Therapeutic and Lymphatic Massage Services
8055 West Avenue, Suite 109
San Antonio, Texas 78213

Book one of our services online- click here!!
About Booking
Appointments are available for booking online.
Online booking is the best /easiest way to book, but of please reach
out if you have any questions.
The online calendar from shows availability for the next 4-6 weeks, anything needed to be scheduled after that- please call or text.
Online booking requires a credit card to hold an appointment.
If you have a gift certificate or a package, you still can book online with a credit card hold and use your gift certificate/package at checkout.
For couples massage appointments -Please call or text to book 210-683-676
Couples massage requires a 35% deposit of the total bill - nonrefundable as 48 hours

Cancellation policy
Being that all massage services are by appointment, we will ask for a major credit card to hold your massage appointment.
You will not be charged until massage services are rendered unless you do not call or no-show for your appointment! If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, we require at least 24 hours' notice. $30 charge for every hour booked. Couples Massages requires 48 hours' notice to avoid losing the 35% deposit.
Unfortunately, we had to enforce this policy because clients would schedule their appointment and not show up
thank you for your understanding!